Adult Studies

The Responders group uses The Wired Word weekly lesson is to consider something that has happened in the news during the past week or so. We dive deep into current events through the lens of the Biblical word. This study group meets on Sunday mornings at 9am, and we would welcome any and all to join us!

The Open Table
This group studies different topics and is rotated monthly with leaders from our congregation. This rotation is designed to discover interesting topics with new perspectives. The Open Table meets at 9am on Sunday mornings. All are welcome!
Children & Youth

After the children’s message in worship, our children in pre-k and kindergarten go to Children’s Sunday School. Each week they learn Bible basics through stories, arts and crafts, and music. The environment is fun and caring for these kids to get rooted in Christ’s love.

After the children’s message in worship, our children in grades 1st-8th go to Children’s Sunday School. Each week they learn Bible basics, how to pray, what it means to come to church, and much more! Our lessons are filled with activities and are very hands-on.
Additional Studies

Midweek Bible Study
We have a Bible study that is led by Pastor Hank that meets on Wednesdays at 10:30am. It is an hour long, and is open to anyone who would like to participate. Though Bibles will be available for anyone who needs one, participants are encouraged to bring their own if possible.